Author-journalist Dyke Hendrickson is the author of eight books. His most recent is "Reclaiming the Merrimack," (2023). His upcoming title is "For the Love of Lobsters," and will be released in 2025.
Dyke Hendrickson is a former reporter for The Daily News in Newburyport. He wrote about the City Council and the waterfront from 2012 to 2017. He estimates he has covered several hundred municipal meetings, hearings, and public events here.
In addition to being an author and a journalist, he is a former journalism professor at Northeastern University.
He is a resident of Newburyport.
Sen. George Mitchell spoke at the Newburyport Literary Festival several years ago.
Shown here are Leslie Hendrickson,
Sen. Mitchell, Vicki Hendrickson, Dyke Hendrickson, and Drew Hendrickson.